TechiNode Retrofit-kit
Extend the product life-cycle on yourexisting equipment.
Mostof the present power distribution networks have, due to earlier investments in technology, some equipment that is fully functional and in good working order. Techinova has developed a retrofit for up-grading of existing equipment. With a retrofit-kit you can, for example, replace old communication equipment and add a motor-controller. Most often, the work is done directly in the field, but it also happens that customers dismantles their cabinets and submit them forservice and upgrading at Techinova.
Achieve financial and environmental savings by extending the product life-cycle.
The Retrofit Kit consists of a radio RTU (or /and RAKEL), and the MCP10 motorcontrol. This solution enables remote and local operation as well as local andremote alarm management such as, power supply alarms, battery alarms and fuse alarms.